Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fever

I went early - and it was a ZOO! (I guarantee my bowls would have been snatched up if I had postponed buying them until today)...

Today I picked up two Chinese spoons (super duper cheap, still I wonder how much they actually cost at pacific mall...), a pretty vase, metal container with lid (stainless or something) and a handmade glass sake cup for 25 cents (the glass is the same shape as two others we have, but ours are solid blue)


  1. Love the chinese spoons! you can't beat 50% off Friday's at Goodwill/Salvation army!

  2. Which Goodwill do you frequent? I scored 3 unique milkglass bowls/planters at the one on Overlea. I'm thrilled!

  3. You might be developing an addiction to Goodwill/ Value Village! :p

    Anyway, saw these and thought of you

  4. you, my dear, are a thrifting machine!
    have a fabulous weekend enjoying all your finds...

  5. enjoy your treasures this weekend!

  6. Hi Liz! You're a cable monkey!

    Hi CBaby...I stalk the bathurst and St C location...I am in love with milk glass right now...
