Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We dropped by this market on a Wednesday and it was SUCH.A.TREAT! A ton of mixed up brocantes on tables and in boxes...at reasonable prices...this is the market where I should have bought an 8" silver pheasant statue (opening asking price for the bird was 40E, and I had it at 20E but only wanted to pay 15E, apparently he just couldn't go there...he wouldn't be able to afford a cup of coffee at 15E ...at least I think that's what he said), and my better half should have bought this orange and blue retro metal sugar sign he had his eye on...so we went back the next day, and neither of these venders were back.
 On Wednesday, I ended up buying three collectors SHELL tin car plates for 5E, and on Thursday, I bought three toy cars, 2E each...the best part for me was when I found the exact same salt and pepper shakers that I bought at goodwill during the summer (I didn't ask the price, probably should have! huh - also didn't take a photo...oh well, the memory lives on!)

It's a smaller market, WAY smaller in fact, but open on the weekdays.  Its only a short walk from the Bastille, and around the corner is this promenade built on old elevated railway tracks (under the tracks there are contemporary artists shops)...so its definitely a market & neighborhood worth checking out!

What do you think? Is this a market you would plan to stop by? While I am asking, would you plan your vacation around flea markets? Or am I the only person who looks up flea markets in every city I am going to??

ps...I didn't go to clingnancourt during this trip...we went three years ago and I didn't feel like we were missing out!