Friday, May 18, 2012

Bedside table clean up

Certain corners of my home spiral out of control.  Junk moves in and stays forever! I have no idea how this happens!!!*...I tackled the bedside table today and sorted it out!  Much better!

At night, my hair do-dads get tossed together into the big box in the drawer...I can't be bothered to sort them (elastics, clips, bobby pins).  When we lived in the condo (sooo long ago now!), I used to whip off my bobby pins and throw them at the dresser on the other side of the room (it wasn't a very large room).  Needless to say they NEVER hit their mark...I think this system is a huge improvement!

ps. I have 10 more books to read before the end of June to hit my goal of 50 books in 12 months...I am not so sure I can make it!  I went on a second-hand book buying spree yesterday...I am reading the skinniest on the pile, Cosmopolis (Hi RPatz!)
pps....moments after the photo, baby pooped up to his arm pits...

