Monday, January 28, 2013

Hungry for Change

"A world of abundance, and an attitude of lack"

"We are not eating food anymore, we are eating food-like products"

"...people are overfed, but they're also starving to death'

"as long as you are taking in more toxins than you are eliminating, your body won't let you burn fat..."

I just watched the documentary called, "Hungry for Change." It's about weight loss (or why your body might be holding on to fat), how our food choices might be starving us of nutrition, cleansing our bodies, and improving health and well-being through diet.  

I've been moving away from eating processed food. Some weeks I am a superstar, other times, a disaster. It's all about being prepared, as well as eating enough early in the day. When I feel hunger pangs it's too late. I need to stay ahead of my cravings!

The documentary emphasizes eating your vegetables! Of course!! I mean, of course you need to eat your vegetables! They suggest juicing to increase your intake - I think we will try it out!*

Does anyone 'diet' these days? Are we past that? Atkins was the last major diet I noticed people doing...I think the word is out that diets don't work. Are you trying to eat healthier? Whether it's for your appearance or your insides, get a copy of this video - I think you will enjoy it!  

*Any get healthy strategy that forces you to buy heavy duty equipment makes me snicker. It's not like cave men sat around drinking green juice. Still - sautéed kale makes me maybe this is yummier?! Hey, if it makes my skin glow, I will pinch my nose and guzzle it down!

Source: Quotations sourced from 'Hungry for Change'