Sunday, January 23, 2011

oops I did it again!

I lost my head at the thrift stores's what I picked up:
the whites
all smalls
two new patterns!
Imagine this brass beauty all shined up?
gorgeous blue glass diamond cut decanter
Silver Godinger Candle sticks (I gave them a quick polish)
Chubby pear jam jar...chubb chubbs
Small West Germany Vase
Has anyone ever tried to make their own silver polish? 
Have you ever used ketchup to clean your brass? I am going to try that tonight!

FYI...there is some nice vintage patterned fire king bakeware at Value Village on Dufferin (a bit north of the city) and a TON of milk glass mixing bowls at the Goodwill near Yorkdale...oh and I really nifty rattan side table (for $19.99, as if) at that same Goodwill...